Brother, Can You Spare a Billion? The Story of Jesse H. Jones DVD

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Brother, Can You Spare a Billion? The Story of Jesse H. Jones DVD


He shaped a major American city in his own image. He laid the groundwork for the modern Red Cross. In the late 1930s, he was the most powerful figure in world finance. In the early 1040s, he prepared America for was. And today, few people remember his name.

He was Jesse Holman Jones, and without him American capitalism might have been lost in the depths of the Great Depression.

Now, in this Emmy Award-winning HoustonPBS production “Brother , Can You Spare a Billion?, learn the story behind the Houston businessman who, as Franklin D. Roosevelt’s fiscal right hand, was a critical force in creating the America we know today.

Running time: 56:43

Dimensions: 5.25x7.25

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